Touched Lives

Touched Lives

Johanna & Pienaar, two elderly ladies, testified how their lives were touched after the session on forgiveness.  They learned how to forgive each other. People attended our sessions with amazing enthusiasm and interest.  One man said - Pieter, you teach us things that we have never heard. The results are LIFE CHANGE!

Glenbrae Farm:

Johanna & Pienaar, two elderly ladies, testified how their lives were touched after the session on forgiveness.  They learned how to forgive each other.

People attended our sessions with amazing enthusiasm and interest.  One man said: Pieter, you teach us things that we have never heard.

The results are LIFE CHANGE!

It is in Gods nature to forgive.  The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, **maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.  (Exodus 34:6-7).  We can never repay God for our debts against Him.  But we have a tremendous hope, because forgiveness is a gift that comes from God.  All of His work in history climaxed on the cross:  While we were still sinners, Christ died for us  (Romans 5:8).  His forgiveness is available to us, to receive in faith.  All the debts we owe to God as well as to fellow men and women, are taken care of by Christ in his sacrificial death.  Jesus has made peace with God on our behalf.  Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ  (Romans 5:1).

When we suffer an injustice, it is only through the realisation of our own need for Gods forgiveness that we are able to forgive others from the heart. This frees us from the bondage of bitterness and revenge. [Heartlines]

Forgiveness is like a test:-  We can either choose to let the other person wreck our lives or we can choose to forgive him.


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