I want to tell you a story that happened to me 37 years ago. We had just started working as full-time missionaries at Campus Crusade for Christ...
I want to tell you a story that happened to me 37 years ago.
We had just started working as full-time missionaries at Campus Crusade for Christ.
The organization expects each missionary to develop his own funds by challenging people to invest financially in his ministry.
That particular day, I was really tired, but I had to keep an appointment that evening with an important businessman in Pretoria about funds for my ministry.
When I entered his house, there was chaos. The children were screaming, crying, and shouting, and every now and then, during my visit, the husband or wife had to walk out with them to calm them down.
I realized I was wasting my time and could have spent the evening at home with my wife and children.
Slightly arrogantly, I took the debit order form from my bag, gave it to the man, and said he could fill it out if he wanted to support me financially.
The man thought for a while, looked at me, and said he would start with R1000 per month. (In those years, R50 was a lot of money, and you were very happy if you could develop it on an appointment. Much more so R1000!)
I started to panic and wonder what other amount sounds like R1000: R5? R10? R50? No, no, only R1000 sounds like R1000!
Indeed, it was R1000!!
God provided greater than I could pray or think. Praise his name!
If you are not yet investing in a missionary’s life, this might be something to think about. It is an investment with great dividends because the Lord will reward you greatly - if not in this life, then certainly in the life to come.
May the Lord richly provide for your needs so that you can also invest in the needs of others.
“The way you store up treasure in Heaven is by investing in getting people there.”
-Rick Warren
Finally, we were able to get Google Adwords up and running, and it has already started to pay dividends, with people signing up for the “Evangelism, Follow-up & Discipleship” online course.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this.
Ek wil jou ‘n staaltjie vertel wat 37 jaar gelede met my gebeur het.
Ons het so pas as voltydse sendelinge by Campus Crusade for Christ begin werk.
Die organisasie verwag dat elke sendeling sy eie fondse moet ontwikkel, deur mense te daag om finansieel in sy bediening te belê.
Daardie spesifieke dag was ek regtig baie moeg, maar ek moes noodgedwonge daardie aand ‘n afspraak nakom met ‘n groot sakeman in Pretoria, oor fondse vir my bediening.
Toe ek die huis instap, het daar chaos geheers. Die kinders raas, huil en skreeu, en kort-kort tydens my besoek moes die man of vrou met hulle uitloop om hulle tot bedaring te bring.
Ek besef ek is besig om my tyd te mors en kon eerder rustig die aand tuis deurgebring het by my vrou en kinders.
Effe arrogant haal ek die debietordervorm uit my tas, gee dit aan die man, en sê hy kan dit invul indien hy my finansieel wil ondersteun.
Die man het ‘n rukkie gedink, na my gekyk, en gesê hy sal begin met R1000 per maand. (Daardie jare was R50 baie geld, en jy was baie bly as jy dit kon ontwikkel op ‘n afspraak. Wat nog te sê R1000!)
Ek skrik myself in ‘n ander bloedgroep in, en begin paniekerig wonder watter ander bedrag klink soos R1000: R5? R10? R50? Nee nee, net R1000 klink soos R1000!
Sowaar, dit was toe R1000!!
God voorsien groter as wat ek kon bid of dink. Prys sy Naam!
Indien jy nognie in ‘n sendeling se lewe belê nie, is dit dalk iets om aan te dink. Dit is ‘n belegging met groot dividende, want die Here sal jou in veelvoude beloon - indien nie in hierdie lewe nie, dan verseker in die lewe hierna.
Mag die Here ryklik in jou behoeftes voorsien, sodat jy ook in ander se behoeftes kan belê.
“The way you store up treasure in Heaven is by investing in getting people there.”
-Rick Warren
Uiteindelik kon ons Google Adwords aan die gang kry, en dit het reeds dividende begin lewer, met mense wat feitlik daagliks inskryf vir die “Evangelisasie, Opvolg & Dissipelskap” aanlyn kursus. Huidiglik amper een nuwe persoon elke dag.
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