Pieter's Monthly News Bit

It is a New Year with new challenges and opportunities.

Pieter’s News Bit – January ‘24

It is a New Year with new challenges and opportunities.

I would like to remind you of some prayer matters for this year:

  • Pray for ±15,000 learners at more than 20 schools who have prayed together over the last few years to invite Christ into their hearts.
    Pray that the seed will continue to flourish in good soil.

  • Pray for hundreds of people from India that I have been able to personally mentor over the last few years.
    Some of these people had as many as 6+ exposures to the Good News.
    Grant that the Lord will have mercy on them to understand my messages and still respond positively to them.

  • Pray for white, black and brown who are exposed weekly to my Labor Ministry messages.
    Pray that they will bear good fruit.

  • Pray for 600 000 people who were introduced to Jesus Christ over the last 36 years through my Jesus-film outreaches.
    Grant that these people will continue to grow to Spiritual maturity.

It is a privilege for me to be the one sent by the Lord:

ROMANS 10:14-15 NIV
14. ”But how will they call upon Him if they do not believe in Him?  And how will they believe in Him if they have never heard of Him?  And how will they hear from Him without someone bringing the message.
15. And how will they bring the message if they are not sent?
That is why the Scriptures say: “How sweet the footsteps of those who bring the Good News!”

My prayer for you:

“Let your thoughts be controlled by heavenly things, not by earthly things.”
Therefore, you must take your thoughts prisoner.

May the Lord bless you in this new year.

Pieter Brits

Pieter se Nuusbrokkie - Januarie ‘24

Dit is ‘n Nuwe Jaar met nuwe uitdagings en geleenthede.

Graag wil ek jou herinner aan ‘n paar gebedsake vir hierdie jaar:

  • Bid vir ±15 000 leerders by meer as 20 skole wat oor die laaste paar jaar saamgebid het om Christus in hul harte te nooi.
    Bid dat die saad steeds in goeie grond sal floreer.

  • Bid vir honderd talle mense van Indië met wie ek persoonlike mentoring kon doen oor die laaste paar jaar.
    Van hierdie mense het soveel as 6+ blootstellings aan die Goeie Nuus gehad.
    Bid dat die Here hulle genadig sal wees om my boodskappe te verstaan en nog steeds positief daarop te reageer.

  • Bid vir wit, swart en bruin wat weekliks aan my Arbeidsbediening boodskappe blootgestel word.
    Bid dat hulle goeie vrug sal dra en die getuienis sal uitdra.

  • Bid vir 600 000 mense wat oor die laaste 36 jaar deur middel van my Jesus-film uitreike aan Jesus Christus voorgestel was.
    Bid dat hierdie mense steeds sal groei tot Geestelike wasdom.

Dit is vir my ‘n voorreg om die gestuurde van die Here te wees:

(ROMEINE 10:14-15 NLV)
14. “Maar hoe sal hulle Hom aanroep as hulle nie in Hom glo nie? En hoe sal hulle in Hom glo as hulle nog nooit van Hom gehoor het nie? En hoe sal hulle van Hom hoor sonder dat daar iemand is wat die boodskap bring.
15. En hoe sal hulle die boodskap bring as hulle nie gestuur word nie?
Daarom sê die Skrif: “Hoe lieflik klink die voetstappe van hulle wat die Goeie Boodskap bring!”

My gebed vir jou:

“Laat julle gedagtes beheer word deur die hemelse dinge, nie deur dinge op aarde nie.”
Daarom moet jy jou gedagtes voortdurend in gevangene neem.

Mag die Here jou seën in hierdie nuwe jaar.

Pieter Brits


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