Pieter's Monthly News Bit

Years ago, after a Jesus film show in Thabazimbi, and many people had prayed to invite Jesus into their lives, a woman walked up to me...

Pieter’s News Bit – November ‘24

Thinking back on a Jesus film show in Thabazimbi:

Years ago, after a Jesus film show in Thabazimbi, and many people had prayed to invite Jesus into their lives, a woman walked up to me.

She cried terribly and said she was that woman in the film whom the people wanted to stone to death because of prostitution.

She wanted to know if the Lord would also forgive her sins.

According to her, she already invited Jesus into her life with the first night’s performance.

I then assured her that her sins were also nailed to that cross and forgiven.

She confesses that she will not continue with her old lifestyle of prostitution. This necessarily means that she, with her illegitimate child, will no longer earn any income from that lifestyle.

I prayed with her that the Lord would give her an honourable job.

Thought for the day:

Victory over temptation is a deep and personal journey that many people go through. This often involves a process of forgiveness, self-reflection, and restoration of trust.

My prayer for you:

May you also stand strong against temptations on your way.

Thank you:

Thank you for your love, prayers and financial support. Without you we cannot continue.

Pieter Brits

There is Hope Ministries

Pieter se Nuusbrokkie - November ‘24

Terugblik op Jesus-film vertoning in Thabazimbi:

Jare gelede, na afloop van ‘n Jesus-film vertoning in Thabazimbi, en baie mense gebid het om Jesus in hulle lewens binne te nooi, stap ‘n vrou na my.

Sy het vreeslik gehuil en gesê sy is daardie vrou in die film wie die mense met die klippe wou doodgooi agv prostitusie.

Sy wou weet of die Here ook haar sondes sal vergewe.

Volgens haar het sy reeds met die eerste aand se vertoning vir Jesus binnegenooi.

Ek verseker haar toe dat ook haar sondes teen daardie kruishout vasgespyker en vergewe is.

Sy bely dat sy nie sal voortgaan met haar ou lewe van rondslaap nie. Dit beteken noodwendig dat sy, met haar buite-egtelike kind, geen inkomste meer uit daardie leefstyl sal verdien nie.

Ek het saam met haar gebid dat die Here haar ‘n eerbare werk sal gee.

Gedagte vir die dag:

Oorwinning oor versoekings is ‘n diep en persoonlike reis wat baie mense deurmaak. Dit behels dikwels ‘n proses van vergifnis, selfrefleksie, en herstel van vertroue.

My gebed vir jou:

Mag ook jy sterk staan teen versoekings op jou pad.


Dankie vir jul liefde, gebede en finansiële ondersteuning. Sonder julle kan ons nie aangaan nie.

Pieter Brits

There is Hope Ministries


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