Our ministry is based on five legs, namely:
A powerful, global ministry
Too long Satan has used the internet to his advantage. Globally, online ministries are reaching hundreds of millions of people at any time, anywhere in the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ through the internet!
During 2006, after 20 years as full-time staff of Campus Crusade for Christ, the Lord developed a ministry before us that still takes our breath away with its impact and influence.
From all over South Africa, as well as from all over the world, people are contacting us through our web pages. The anonymity of the internet opens the door to incredibly personal ministry – you will be amazed by the honesty and openness that is possible in online communities. Online mentoring is a way to share the love of Christ one-on-one through email. Within 24-48 hours we reach out to people by “coming alongside” them and encourages them by (a) praying for them and providing resources, and (b) sharing the next step in their spiritual journey.
The mentor provides resources, shares hope and gives spiritual direction to the person they are ministering to. The whole interaction takes place through email, which provides endless possibilities for reaching thousands of people all over the world on any schedule. The Internet presents a fantastic opportunity for ministry, and we receive regular testimonies of changed lives!!
Weekly spiritual messages to workers of local businesses in Kleinmond.
Before the day’s activities begin, the owner, leadership and workers all attend these early morning presentations. Sometimes clients, coming for business, also attend, listen carefully, and pray together afterwards.
We work according to a plan to cover the whole path and foundation of the Christian faith through weekly sessions of not more than 10 minutes at a time.
During these group sessions we experience how people's attitude of "aloofness and hostility" changes to "intimacy and compassion', eager to learn more, after they first accepted Christ as their Saviour and Lord.
This unique programme has a holistic approach:
It is a community development programme which stretches over an extended
period of time, supported by audio visual presentations, interactive teaching,
mentoring and coaching.
Aimed to serve the farm worker, farmer, his family and leadership on different levels in order to help lead them to Wellness:
This extended approach inevitably leads to change in thought, which, in turn, leads to life change, resulting in a happy, loyal worker. Labor relationships, upliftment, life skills development and hygiene inside and outside the house are some of the aspects that are constantly addressed in the social upliftment.
We aim to create a supportive and inclusive environment for students.
First visit involves evangelism, using "The Four Spiritual Laws," where we offer children the opportunity to learn about Jesus Christ and consider Him as their Saviour and Lord.
Second visit involves a follow-up session explaining the concept of "Spiritual Breathing." This concept centres on the idea of confessing sins and finding spiritual renewal through self-reflection and seeking forgiveness. The emphasis is on personal growth, understanding, and empathy. The emphasis is on personal growth, understanding, and empathy, rather than imposing rigid dogmas.
These messages are meant to promote a sense of community, acceptance, and compassion among students, regardless of their religious inclinations. We believe that a diverse and understanding educational environment fosters empathy and respect for one another, nurturing well-rounded individuals capable of contributing positively to society.
A YouTube online course on Evangelism, Spiritual Growth, and Discipleship principles.
Lectures in both Afrikaans and English on YouTube. Topics like: God’s love and forgiveness, How to lead someone to Christ through the Four Spiritual Laws booklet, How to walk in the Spirit, How to prepare your personal testimony, Fulfilling the Great Commission and other.
Additionally, you will be equipped with 6 follow-up sessions to help lead a new Christian to maturity in Christ.
Each YouTube lecture ends with an assessment, which will be discussed in advance of the following lecture to deepen understanding of the topic.
A certificate will be issued on completion of the course.
This comprehensive approach caters to a diverse audience, fostering a deeper understanding of these vital Christian concepts. Such initiatives contribute significantly to personal spiritual journeys and communal growth.
The bilingual nature of the lectures ensures broader inclusion, fostering a sense of unity in learning.
Wishing participants, a fulfilling and enlightening experience on their quest for deeper spiritual understanding and growth.
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