It is a new year with new challenges and opportunities. What a privilege to be involved in carrying out the GREAT COMMISSION (Matthew 28:18-20), through the vehicle of There is Hope Ministries.
It is a new year with new challenges and opportunities. What a privilege to be involved in carrying out the GREAT COMMISSION (Matthew 28:18-20), through the vehicle of There is Hope Ministries.
2024 is the 36th year that we have had the opportunity to build into people’s lives through ministry, focussing on WIN, BUILD, TRAIN & SEND - all to the glorification of Jesus Christ.
The ministry of the Word is still received very positively everywhere. One of the main reasons for that is because the Word is Life to those who find it, and healing to Body, Soul, and Spirit. (Jannie Marais)
This course is available in Afrikaans, as well as English, and communicates Spiritual truths on God’s love & forgiveness, Evangelism, Discipleship and Spiritual Growth.
The course is presented by way of 7 YouTube lectures and 6 follow-up sessions.
Several students have already enrolled and are busy with the course - MORE STUDENTS ARE NEEDED
During November 2023 I co-lectured at a Men’s Camp and -breakfast at Wortelgat where I presented various lectures.
These presentations were very blessed, especially where the Lord has given me the gift of coming across well and humorously - the attendees had a good laugh, while the Truth cut deep.
Hi Pieter,
…All praise goes to Him who freed me from the yoke of sin. My wife and I are on good terms now, and I thank God for someone like you to reach out to… A
Total exposure for the year: 8 278 people
Please intercede for ±15,000 learners at more than 20 schools who have prayed together over the last few years to invite Christ into their hearts.
Pray that the seed will continue to flourish in good soil.
Pray for hundreds of people from India that I have been able to personally mentor over the last few years.
Some of these people had as many as 6+ exposures to the Good News.
Ask the Lord to help them grasp my messages and still respond positively to it.
Pray for employers & employees who are exposed weekly to my messages in the workplace.
That they will bear good fruit.
Pray for ±600 000 people who were introduced to Jesus Christ over the last 36 years through my Jesus-film outreaches.
That these people will continue to grow to spiritual maturity.
13 “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
Romans 10:13-15 NIV
Do you believe that Jesus is your personal Savior and Redeemer?
Do you believe that one day you will spend eternal life with Him?
I pray that you will set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
Colossians 3:2 NIV
I pray that you will take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:5b
Consider investing in our ministry through prayer, financial donations, or even making provision for a donation through your will.
Jesus-film outreach in Villiersdorp. The producer not only send his workers, but he also attended in person. At the invitation after the film, both he and his farm workers responded positively. What is so precious, is the fact that, for the 5-day outreach, all the producers are willing to make their workers available during working hours.
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