Although I attended church together with my parents, I never had an encounter or a personal relationship with the Lord. Without realizing it, I was running away from Him. Deeper and deeper into depression.
The loneliness and impersonality of life in a hostel (Grade I till student years), my parent’s marriage problems, as well as being disappointed by people close to me, made me question the purpose of life.
I grew up in a family that fellowship at Zion Christian Church (ZCC). I got baptized in that church and believed that Lekganyane was a living god. We worshiped him and dedicated our prayers to him...
Before I became a 'born again' Christian, my life was not as people thought it was, my father was abusing my mother physically, and me emotionally. Unfortunately in the year 2004 I lost my mother, whom I could not bury.
I am no more than an ordinary man who has been spending life as if knowing nothing. I was born in a wealthy Muslim family in Pakistan, but when I was a few months old, I was carried to Saudi Arabia by my father.
No matter how fulfilling life becomes, there are always certain regrets when one looks back. My deepest sense of loss involves my father. So much has happened since his death.
I went to church all my life. My parents took me to church when I was small, and as happens more often, I was really obliged to go with them. Twice every Sunday! Believe me, that wasn't much fun...
Chellappa faithfully recited his prayers every morning. It was part of the family legacy. His grandfather was a guru and his family was part of the order of priests or Brahmin, the highest caste in India.
As a child I always wanted to win. I couldn’t understand that people could play a game without wanting to win. As a teenager I didn’t understand how people could end a discussion, without clarity over who had won...
Sometimes when we tell people we are Christians, they roll over the floor laughing. 'You - you go to church?!' I can imagine why they respond like that. I used to respond like that myself. I thought the whole Christian faith...
I was raised in a family where morals were very important but a relationship with God wasn't talked about. We went to church every Sunday, though, and I was baptized when I was 10 because it seemed like the right thing to do.
Paul's young lifeless body lay on the cold floor of his apartment for at least a week before anyone found him. Several questions ran through my mind. Why? Wasn't there anybody there to talk to him?
A neverending fog, not knowing a way out, feeling as though life had nothing to offer, that I was just a cosmic joke created by God for his amusement, feeling that death would offer endless supply of better alternatives to life.
In 1982 Martin heard for the first time that he was possibly suffering from MS, when he told the doctor that he was seeing double. His symptoms disappeared after a year and the doctors told him that an old scar...
In 1984, my family was dealt a big blow. First, my father suffered a heart attack in which the doctors had to "shock" his heart to where it would beat again. About a month later, he suffered another milder heart attack...
A Christian upbringing, going to church every Sunday, a Christian school, being surrounded by great examples, etc. I had it all. So faith was something very obvious for me. I knew Jesus had died for my sins...
In 1960 my father bought a car and had an accident a few months later. My father died, but the rest of the family survived. I was 8 years old. Four years later my mother bought a car that I tried out on a small...
My parents owned a small bakery. When I was fourteen years old I started my apprenticeship and became a pastry cook. When I was a child I believed in an almighty God and for years I tried...
Maybe the clash of cultures was too great for us to bear. My mother was always unhappy for leaving her family behind, and my father never succeeded in anything, no matter how hard he tried. He was very strict...
I had no idea who God was. Oh, yes, I went to church, I obeyed my parents and stuff like that. But knowing Him... He knew me, though, and He has gone to all lengths to fix up a meeting with me. Not the most comfortable...
Lisa was seventeen years old when she finished her training as a secretary. She finds a good job immediately. She has had a boyfriend for two years now. His name is Max. They encounter some problems in their relationship...
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