Testimony on Our Ministry 2017

Testimony on Our Ministry 2017

In retrospection on 2016, we can testify that the Lord was good to us and our 3 children. It is a privilege to serve the Lord through “There is Hope Ministries” (TIHM). We stand humble... We stand humble before Him in realization of the powerful work of God, the Holy Spirit and his Word in the lives of many people.

Here are some testimonies:
  • Thank you so much for reaching out to me. This is the first time in a while that I have not felt so very alone. Words cannot express the gratitude that I feel for you and the Lord for reaching me at what feels is my final moments before drowning. I understand and appreciate what you have said. D
  • Thank you for personally taking the time to respond to me and my needs. I believe that I will reap of the benefits of your teachings and guidance. May our good Lord continue to bless you, your ministry and followers as you faithfully plant the seeds of peace, joy and happiness. God’s blessings upon you all. Kind regards, SM
  • Hi how are you. Thank you very much for helping me to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. E
  • Verskriklik baie dankie vir die boodskap, ek weet nie hoe julle weet as ek deur moeilike tye gaan nie. Maar dan kom sulke boodskappe deur op die regte tyd.
  • Môre Pieter, Ek het gister n SMS ontvang van jou. Dit het my so uit die veld geslaan. Ek vertroue God vir n paar goed en deurbrake op die stadium in my lewe en nou die dag was daar n vrou op Radiokansel wat ook Ex 14:14 as n bevestiging in haar lewe gekry het. Toe kry ek die sms van jou af!!! Sjoe ek het hoendervleis gekry. Baie dankie vir die tyd wat jy geneem het en daai sms vir my gestuur het. Nogmaals dankie en God seën. JW
  • Dear Pieter and Magdaleen, Many thanks for this information. It is great news. You are clearly being empowered by the Lord, and He is accomplishing great things through you, His faithful servants. We are praying for you, that the Lord strengthen and provide for you, even as you serve Him. God bless, R &M
  • I have now rededicated my life to follow Christ as my Lord. Thank you! B

Thank you for your support - whether it is prayer & intercession, finances, or both. Without that we will be too weak to carry on with this ministry. Our success is your success!! We sincerely pray the Lord’s blessing, grace, protection and growth over you and your family.

During 2016, Pieter ministered to at least 34 152 people through Prayer letters, E-mails, SMS messages, and JESUS-Film presentations. Through the Mentor Center of Power-To-Change, Magdaleen, Pieter and the team of 10 trained SA e-mentors still work hard and with commitment to pray and come alongside all the incoming requests. They respond mainly to South African requests, received on all the international Power-To-Change web pages.

Statistics of our Web Page:

We praise God for an average of 30 daily visitors during the last year to our web page: www.hope365.co.za

Photo Gallery with at least 94 ministry photos (Wellness on the Farms, Training, Jesus Film and other)

Newsletter Archive with easy accessible articles

Testimonials (Changed Lives): (“YouTube” & written)

Simplistic evangelism explanations of : “Salvation”, “Assurance of Salvation”, Follow-UP series: “My New Life in Christ”, “10 Steps Towards Christian Maturity”. (Important foundations of Christianity.)

Contact Us & I Need Spiritual Help feature.

Resource Articles on various topics (with links).

Power Point Presentations

You Tube Presentations Etc.


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