Watch the film 'JESUS'

Watch the film JESUS

This film is a perfect introduction to Jesus through the Gospel of Luke.

Jesus Film

This film is a perfect introduction to Jesus through the Gospel of Luke. Jesus constantly surprises and confounds people, from His miraculous birth to His rise from the grave. Follow His life through excerpts from the Book of Luke, all the miracles, the teachings, and the passion.

God creates everything and loves mankind. But mankind disobeys God. God and mankind are separated, but God loves mankind so much, He arranges redemption for mankind. He sends his Son Jesus to be a perfect sacrifice to make amends for us.

Before Jesus arrives, God prepares mankind. Prophets speak of the birth, the life, and the death of Jesus. Jesus attracts attention. He teaches in parables no one really understands, gives sight to the blind, and helps those who no one sees as worth helping.

He scares the Jewish leaders, they see him as a threat. So they arrange, through Judas the traitor and their Roman oppressors, for the crucifixion of Jesus. They think the matter is settled. But the women who serve Jesus discover an empty tomb. The disciples panic. When Jesus appears, they doubt He's real. But it's what He proclaimed all along: He is their perfect sacrifice, their Savior, victor over death. He ascends to heaven, telling His followers to tell others about Him and His teachings.

To view the film, click on any of the available languages below:

English, Afrikaans,


"Magdalena", the compelling film portraying Jesus' tender regard for women, is being met with incredible response around the world. Magdalena is inspiring women everywhere to realize and reclaim the purpose they were always intended know Jesus, and with loving hearts and a gentle touch make Him known.

This collection includes the 1-hour version of "Magdalena" as well as the original 82 minute director's cut. A series of short clips (2-5 minutes) with thought-provoking questions help viewers delve deeper into God’s Word to discover hope for their lives.

To view the film, click on any of the available languages below:

English, Afrikaans,

Jesus-Film for Children

In the first century, a group of children meet together to talk about what they've seen and heard about Jesus. Some believe Jesus is the Son of God. But others think Jesus may just be tricking the people.

The children follow Jesus around, witness His miracles, and listen to Him teach. Jesus raises a girl from the dead, calls imperfect people like tax collectors to follow Him, teaches everyone to be kind and gracious to each other, and lets a woman wash His feet with tears. He teaches in parables no one really understands, calms a raging storm, gives sight to the blind, and helps those who no one sees as worth helping. He shows the children an amazing, powerful, and kind way to live. Benjamin and Sarah talk to the children watching their story about Jesus and what it means to believe who He is and accept Him as their Savior.

To view the film, click on any of the available languages below:

English, Afrikaans,


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